Part V.3 Volume/Folder List

Series Notes
Folder Lists
Part I
Part II
1 2 3
Part III
1 2 3
Part IV
1 2 3
Part V
1 2 3
Outside Repositories Edison-Miller Family

The links on the series and subseries titles on this page, as well as the titles of the individual volumes and folders, lead to their appropriate editorial descriptions ("targets"). The "Which Series Notes?" button at the top of each target page leads back to the appropriate place on this page. The small horizontal arrows () next to the series and subseries titles on this page lead back to the appropriate series or subseries on the "Contents" page. Because the "Volume/Folder List" pages for Parts II-V are quite large, they are each divided into sets of three. The boxes at the top and bottom of each "Volume/Folder List" page enable users to easily move from one page to another.


1. Letterbook, LB-086  (1911)    274:4
2. Letterbook, LB-087 (1911) 274:190
3. Letterbook, LB-088 (1911-1912) 274:306
4. Letterbook, LB-089 (1912) 274:441
5. Letterbook, LB-090 (1912) 274:522
6. Letterbook, LB-091 (1912-1913) 274:626
7. Letterbook, LB-092 (1913) 274:708
8. Letterbook, LB-093 (1913) 274:795
9. Letterbook, LB-094 (1913) 274:888
10. Letterbook, LB-095 (1913) 275:1
11. Letterbook, LB-096 (1913-1914) 275:117
12. Letterbook, LB-097 (1914) 275:267
13. Letterbook, LB-098 (1914) 275:415
14. Letterbook, LB-099 (1914-1915) [not selected] 275:590
15. Letterbook, LB-100 (1914) 275:591
16. Letterbook, LB-101 (1914-1915) 275:747
17. Letterbook, LB-102 (1915) 275:945
18. Letterbook, LB-103 (1915) 276:1
19. Letterbook, LB-104 (1915) 276:153
20. Letterbook, LB-105 (1915) 276:300
21. Letterbook, LB-106 (1915) 276:434
22. Letterbook, LB-107 (1915) 276:536
23. Letterbook, LB-108 (1915) 276:612
24. Letterbook, LB-109 (1915-1916) 276:726
25. Letterbook, LB-110 (1916) 276:858
26. Letterbook, LB-111 (1916) 277:1
27. Letterbook, LB-112 (1916) 277:128
28. Letterbook, LB-113 (1916) 277:267
29. Letterbook, LB-114 (1916) 277:379
30. Letterbook, LB-115 (1916-1917) 277:520
31. Letterbook, LB-116 (1917) 277:694
32. Letterbook, LB-117 (1917-1918) 277:830
33. Letterbook, LB-118 (1918-1919) 277:928




1. - July-December       278:6
2. -Range and Direction Finders 278:129


1. -January-June      278:163
2.    -July-December 278:316
3. -Form Letters 278:506
4. -Ship Equipment 278:515


1. -January       278:533
2.    -February 278:549
3. -March 278:685
4. -April 278:825
5. -May 278:925
6. -June 278:1003
7. -July 279:1
8. -August 279:130
9. -September 279:262
10. -October 279:362
11. -November 279:428
12. -December 279:487
13. -Applications for Employment 279:608
14. -Breathing Apparatus 279:623
15. -Direction Finder 279:637
16. -Experiments 279:697
17. -Ship Reports (Anthracite Tests) 279:735
18. -Ship Sinkings 279:757
19. -Underwater Sound Detection Reports 279:790


1. -January       280:1
2.    -February 280:94
3. -March 280:194
4. -April 280:288
5. -May 280:330
6. -June 280:403
7. -July 280:495
8. -August 280:552
9. -September 280:597
10. -October 280:628
11. -November 280:686
12 -December 280:735
13. -Daylight Illumination Experiments 280:775
14. -Experiments 280:787
15. -Jones Point Experimental Laboratory 280:823
16. -Ships and Coal 280:835
17. -Vickers Machine Gun and Ammunition Feeder 280:890


1. -January-December       281:1
2. -Experiments 281:119


1. -1920     281:144
2.    -1921 281:207
3. -1922 281:231
4. -1930 281:254


  Organic Chemical Plants

1. General Operations (1915-1917) 281:264
2. Amidophenol Division    (1916)    281:336
3. Aniline Division (1916) 281:345
4. Carbolic Acid Division (1916) 281:351


Coal Tar Products Division (1917) 281:378
6. Phenol Division (1915-1916) 281:400
7. Johnstown Benzol Plant (1915-1918) 281:408
8. Woodward Benzol Plant (1915-1920) 281:439

  Edison Chemical Works

1. J. V. Miller Papers (1913-1920) 281:512
2. C. F. Hunter Papers   (1914-1916)    281:597
3.    W. J. O'Dair Papers (1919-1920) 281:709
4. Other Experimenters (1914-1927) 281:797
5. Wax Division Papers (1924-1925) 281:805

Back  LEGAL SERIES (REELS 282-283)


Group 1

1. Benzol Plant Correspondence (1915) 282:7

Group 2

1. Ledger Sheets (ca. 1907) 282:23
2. Allis-Chalmers Case Settlement (1911) 282:32
3. Financial Material (1913-1914) 282:86
4. Chemical Correspondence and Contracts (1915-1919) 282:139

Group 3

1. Legal and Personal Business Records (1911-1923)    282:234


1. Receipt: Mt. Pleasant Cemetery Co. (1911) 282:344
2. Correspondence: Paul H. Cromelin (1911, 1913) 282:347
3. Assignment: Edison Storage Battery Co. (1911) 282:352
4. Assignment: John F. Ott (1911) 282:359
5. Assignment: Jonas Walter Aylsworth (1911) 282:364
6. Agreements: Lansden Co. (1911-1912) 282:369
7. Deed: Randolph Perkins (1911-1912) 282:386
8. Lease: Edison Portland Cement Co. (1911) 282:406
9. Correspondence: Martin E. Thomas (1911-1912) 282:411
10. Agreement: W. S. Mallory and W. H. Mason (1911) 282:415
11. Correspondence: Carmine Basile (1911, 1913) 282:419
12. Contract: Mendel Samuel & Sons (1912) 282:430
13. Final Decree: Estate of John Kruesi (1912) 282:433
14. Lease: William L. Edison (1912) 282:447
15. Contract: Merck & Co. (1912) 282:451
16. Agreement: Solvay Process Co. (1912, 1914) 282:453
17. Agreements: Henry Ford (1912, 1925) 282:465
18. Royalty Payments: Coats Family (1912) 282:480
19. Correspondence: Dunderland Iron Ore Co. (1912, 1914) 282:487
20. Option to Purchase: Federal Storage Battery Car Co. (1912) 282:506
21. Correspondence: Real Estate for William L. Edison (1913) 282:513
22. Correspondence: John F. Monnot (1913-1919) 282:519
23. Assignment and Release: Rosanna Batchelor (1913) 282:536
24. Correspondence: John Cruikshank (1913) 282:562
25. License Agreement: Henry B. Clifford (1913) 282:575
26. License: Frank L. Dyer and J. Walter Aylsworth (1913) 282:581
27. Agreement: Joseph D. Lintott (1914, 1916) 282:588
28. Correspondence: Andrew Plecher (1914-1915) 282:592
29. Settlement: Estate of Josiah C. Reiff (1914) 282:597
30. Agreement: Edison Storage Battery Co. and Penn. RR Co. (1914) 282:604
31. Agreement: Accumulatoren-Fabrik Aktiengesellschaft (1914) 282:619
32. Agreement: Bankers Trust Co. (1914) 282:625
33. Deed: Trustees of Sussex County Iron Co. (1914) 282:628
34. Deed: Odgen Iron Co. (1914) 282:633
35. Deeds: New Jersey Zinc Co. (1914, 1924) 282:642
36. Leases: 10 Fifth Ave. -- Mina M. Edison (1915-1925) 282:661
37. Agreement: Victoria Gypsum Mining & MFg. Co. (1915) 282:729
38. Correspondence: Sale to Victoria Gypsum Mining & MFg. Co. (1915) 282:738
39. Personal Income Tax Return for 1914 (1915) 282:745
40. Agreement: Charles Edison (1915) 282:770
41. Agreement: Phonograph Sales Co. (1916-1918) 283:2
42. Deed: Isaac W. and Frances F. England -- Mineral Rights (1916, 1920) 283:6
43. Agreement: U.S. Crushed Stone Co. (1916-1917) 283:13
44. Agreement: Miller Reese Hutchison (1916) 283:20
45. Bills of Sale: Edison Storage Battery Co. (1916) 283:31
46. Agreement: Andrea and Serafina Maglio (1916, 1919) 283:47
47. Agreement: Wisconsin Chair Co. (1916-1917) 283:52
48. Contract: Mitsui & Co. (1916-1917) 283:74
49. Correspondence: Mitsui re Phenol Plant in Japan (1916-1920) 283:78
50. Deeds: Ezra L. Wean, George Haycock (1917, 1921) 283:86
51. Lease: Marcus Lusk (1917-1920) 283:96
52. Correspondence: Hirzel Royalty (1917-1919) 283:105
53. Contract: Miller Reese Hutchison (1917) 283:117
54. License: Charles T. Dally (1917) 283:136
55. Assignment: Heinrich H. Meno Kammerhoff (1917) 283:146
56. Correspondence: Glenmont Buildings -- Mina Edison (1917) 283:150
57. Assignment: Robert BacHMan and Charles Norton (1917) 283:153
58. Correspondence: Edison Electric Appliance Co. (1917-1920) 283:158
59. Bill of Sale: Aluminum Co. of America (1918) 283:168
60. Agreement: B. E. Tinstman (1918-1923) 283:171
61. Agreement: M. R. Hutchison and Edison Storage Battery Co. (1918) 283:192
62. Income and War Excess Profits Tax Returns for 1917 (1918) 283:205
63. Correspondence: Real Estate -- Raub Property (1918-1930) 283:212
64. Lease: Edison Portland Cement Co. (1918) 283:226
65. License: Edison Storage Battery Co. (1918) 283:235
66. Report: Industrial Statistics for 1918 (1919) 283:241
67. Assignment: Lamar Lyndon (1919) 283:245
68. Tentative Return and Estimate: Corporation Taxes, 1918 (1919) 283:249
69. Documents: Real Estate -- Burlington County, NJ (1919, 1925) 283:253
70. Correspondence: Agreement with W. H. Knierim (1919-1920) 283:270
71. Correspondence: Oak Investment & Security Co. (1919-1920) 283:283
72. Agreement: Frederick P. McIntosh (1920) 283:291
73. License: Newman H. Holland (1920) 283:293
74. Assignment: Edison Storage Battery Co. (1920) 283:297
75. Assignments: Thomas A. Edison, Inc. (1920) 283:299
76. Assignment: North Jersey Paint Co. (1920) 283:313
77. Correspondence: Agreement with Halogen Products Co. (1920) 283:320
78. Assignment: James F. Monahan (1920) 283:328
79. Memorandum: Transfer of Shares to Theodore Edison (1920) 283:332
80. Trusts: Madeleine E. Sloane, Charles and Theodore Edison (1920) 283:334
81. Release: Heinrich H. Meno Kammerhoff (1920) 283:345
82. Agreement: Draftsmen, Disc Division (1920) 283:367
83. Lease: Owen Frey (1921) 283:370
84. Correspondence: Walter Scott Shinn (1921) 283:380
85. Power of Attorney: Charles Edison (1921) 283:390
86. Certificate of Dissolution: Thomas A. Edison Association (1921) 283:392
87. Agreements: Hanlon A. Gardner -- Real Estate (1921) 283:398
88. Certificate of Dissolution: Edison International Corporation (1921) 283:407
89. Correspondence: Bachrach Studios (1922) 283:411
90. Contracts: Steven, Crum, Paris, and Murray (1922-1923) 283:420
91. Correspondence: E. L. Woodfin, Phonograph Sales Plan (1922) 283:425
92. Assignment: Roscoe J. Smith (1922) 283:448
93. List: Items for Edison Pioneers Museum (1922) 283:452
94. Correspondence: Ecometer Manufacturing Co. (1923) 283:463
95. Correspondence: Phonograph Sales Proposition (1923) 283:476
96. Power of Attorney: Marion Oeser-Edison (1923) 283:500
97. Assignment: Paul D. Payne (1923) 283:507
98. Lists: Active Patents (1923, 1926) 283:511
99. Correspondence: New Jersey Patent Co. (1924-1925) 283:538
100. Correspondence: Loan to William Maxwell (1925) 283:542
101. Correspondence: Lease to Herman Hoffman (1925) 283:548
101. Contract: F. H. Losey (1925) 283:555
102. Agreement: Commissioners Palisades Interstate Park (1925-1928) 283:559
103. Trusts: Marion E. Oeser, Thomas Edison Jr., William Edison (1925) 283:569
104. Settlement of Loan: Ford and Edison Storage Battery Co. (1925) 283:588
105. Documents: Premier Mill Corporation and Henry Ford (1925, 1927) 283:599
106. Assignments: Edison Storage Battery Co. (1926) 283:609
107. Sale of Patents: Thomas A. Edison, Incorporated (1926) 283:620
108. Correspondence: Samuel Insull -- Edison Name Use (1926) 283:633
109. Contract of Sale: Real Estate for William L. Edison (1926) 283:638
110. Stock Sale: Edison Portland Cement Co. (1926) 283:641
111. Agreement: State of New Jersey (1926, 1928) 283:650
112. Power of Attorney: Charles Edison (1927) 283:661
113. Trusts: Madeleine E. Sloane, Charles and Theodore Edison (1927) 283:665
114. Agreement: Real Estate for William L. Edison (1927) 283:678
115. Documents: Edison Botanic Research Corporation (1927) 283:689
116. Contract: H. Nehrling (1928) 283:711
117. Memorandum: Henry Ford's Plan for Edison Museum (1928) 283:716



Charles Edison Papers

1. Correspondence (1908, 1912-1931) 284:4
2. Edisonia (1899, 1916-1941)    284:169

Mina Edison Papers

1. Correspondence (1886-1931) 284:198
2. Chautauqua Property (1922) 284:568
3.    Estate and Will     (1922, 1932, 1946)    284:573

Edison-Miller Family Papers

1. Theodore Edison (1911) 284:598
2. Thomas Alva Edison, Jr., and Beatrice Heyzer Edison (1912-1930) 284:601
3.    William Leslie Edison and Blanche Travers Edison     (1912-1930)    284:648
4.    Grace Miller Hitchcock     (1914, 1931)    284:664
5.    Louise Igoe Miller     (1917-1931)    284:677
6.    Rachel Alice Miller     (1931)    284:725
7.    Robert Anderson Miller, Jr.     (1917, 1931)    284:734
8.    Marian Nichols     (1929-1931)    284:741
9.    Mary Miller Nichols and William Wallace Nichols     (1922-1931)    284:780
10.    Marion Edison Oeser and Oscar Oeser     (1911-1932)    285:1
11.    Madeleine Edison Sloane and John Eyre Sloane     (1923-1931)    285:128


Mina Edison Papers

1. Correspondence -- John Burroughs (1910-1917) 285:349
2. Correspondence -- General (1911-1912) 285:379
3. Correspondence -- General (1913) 285:395
4. Mary V Miller Estate (1913-1915) 285:469
5. Correspondence -- General (1914) 285:566
6. Correspondence -- General (1915) 285:648
7. Correspondence -- General (1916) 285:657
8. Correspondence -- General (1917) 285:698
9. Correspondence -- Mrs. Edison's Whitman & Barnes MFg. Co. Stock (1917-1918) 285:719
10. Correspondence -- General (1918) 285::732
11. Correspondence -- General (1919) 285:747
12. Correspondence -- General (1920) 285:779
13. Correspondence -- General (1921) 285:834
14. Correspondence -- General (1922) 285:870
15. Correspondence -- General (1923-1925) 285:904
16. Correspondence -- General (1926) 285:913
17. Correspondence -- General (1927-1928) 285:919
18. Correspondence -- General (1929) 285:930
19. "Mixed Feelings" (1929) 285:965
20. Correspondence -- General (1930) 285:973
21. Correspondence -- General (1931) 286:1
22. Correspondence -- Undated (undated) 286:72
23. Thomas A. Edison Estate (1932-1935) 286:80

Other Family Members

1. Charles Edison (1929-1936) 286:98
2. Charles Poyer (1919) 286:119
3.    Madeleine Edison Sloane     (1915)    286:121

Household Concerns

1. Glenmont (1919, 1921) 286:124


1. Cat. 44,447 European Tour (1911) 286:131
2. Cat. 44,489 Kinetophone (Part 1) (1912-1913) 286:166
3. Cat. 44,489 Kinetophone (Part 2) (1912-1913) 286:265
4. Cat. 44,490 Kinetophone (1913) 286:336
5. Cat. 44,491 Kinetophone in Asia (1913) 286:403
6. Cat. 44,448 Interviews (1913-1914) 286:437
7. Cat. 44,449 Illness (1913) 286:490
8. Cat. 44,451 General (1913-1914, 1923-1924) 286:535
9. Cat. 44,450 Madeleine Edison (1913-1914) 286:613
10. Cat. 44,509 Fire (1914-1915) 286:642
11. Cat. 44,510 Fire (1914-1915) 286:734
12. Cat. 44,516 Army (1919) 286:779

Oversize Scrapbooks

1. Cat. 44,498 Scientific American (1911-1912) 287:2
2. Cat.44,452 General (Part 1) (1915) 287:18
3. Cat.44,452 General (Part 2) (1915) 287:224
4. Cat. 44,453 General (Part 1) (1915) 287:373
5. Cat. 44,453 General (Part 2) (1915) 287:506
6.    Cat. 44,454 General (Part 1) (1915-1916) 287:635
7.    Cat. 44,454 General (Part 2) (1915-1916) 287:770
8.    Cat. 44,455 General (Part 1) (1916) 287:899
9.    Cat. 44,455 General (Part 2) (1916) 287:977


1. Clippings (1911) 288:3
2. Clippings (1912) 288:190
3. Clippings (1913) 288:310
4. Clippings (1914) 288:435
5. Clippings (1915) 288:514
6. Clippings (1916) 288:613
7. Clippings (1917) 288:644
8. Clippings (1918) 288:675
9. Clippings (1919) 288:748

Series Notes
Folder Lists
Part I
Part II
1 2 3
Part III
1 2 3
Part IV
1 2 3
Part V
1 2 3
Outside Repositories Edison-Miller Family

